Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact: 

Professor Cal Newport, Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Philosophy of research:

Research in computer science is theoretical or empirical, although there is a spectrum between the two.

How to get started:

We have a Web page (https://cs.georgetown.edu/undergraduate-research/). We hold workshops for undergraduate students about how to get involved in research. The Bulletin identifies a senior thesis as a potential outcome for majors. We advertise presentations by students who complete a senior thesis. We post senior theses on the department’s Web site. The DUS sends email messages about conducting research and writing a senior thesis. Students can also conduct research through tutorials.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor:

Students approach prospective research mentors.

Earning credit for undergraduate research:

Students may earn credit for the senior thesis or by arranging a tutorial or independent study for their research work by requesting one through a faculty mentor.

Getting paid for research:

Faculty members pay undergraduates to conduct research through grants or indirect-cost funds.

Thesis or capstone research:

Students can conduct research for the senior thesis.