Prof. Kobbi Nissim’s work cited in an article from the U.K. Government Statistical Service: Privacy and Data Confidentiality Methods – a National Statistician’s Quality Review (December 2018). Prof. Kobbi Nissim’s contribution to the National Statistician’s Quality Review is also reported by WebWire.
Tavish Vaidya, a CS Ph.D. candidate, quoted in a New York Times story on smart devices: Alexa and Siri Can Hear This Hidden Command. You Can’t (May 10, 2018). The article also discusses research performed by Tavish and his collaborators, including Prof. Micah Sherr and Prof. Clay Shields.
Prof. Lisa Singh co-authored a story for Gallup on US election news: “Email” Dominates What Americans Have Heard About Clinton (September 19, 2016). The story, which reports the findings of a collaborative project between Gallup, Georgetown University and University of Michigan, was also reported on by CNN, Huffington Post, and other venues.