• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Graduate Programs

    FAQ for Prospective Applicants FAQ for Current Students Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

    Category: FAQ

  • CS Talk: Raef Bassily

    New Tools for Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis Abstract: Increasing volumes of personal and sensitive data have become ubiquitous. There are…

    Category: FAQ

  • Top Coder Competition

    How good a programmer are you? Try coding some programs and see if you are top dog.

    Category: FAQ

  • GU-CS Graduate Research Presentation Day

    The 6th Biannual Georgetown University Department of Computer Science Graduate Research Presentation Day CS Ph.D. students present their recently published…

    Category: FAQ

  • CS Talk: Howard Karloff

    Dr. Howard Karloff Variable Selection is Hard (Please note that the location of this event has changed. It will now take place in STM404.) …

    Category: FAQ

  • CS Talk: Viet Tung Hoang

    Dr. Viet Tung Hoang The UCE paradigm: Practical instantiations of random oracles Abstract: In practice, one often has to trade security proofs for…

    Category: FAQ

  • CS Talk: Brendan Juba

    Prof. Brendan Juba Conditional Distribution Search Abstract: What is “Big Data” good for? A standard answer in learning theory is that it allows larger…

    Category: FAQ

  • CS Talk: Fernando Diaz

    Dr. Fernando Diaz Crisis Informatics: An Information Retrieval Perspective Abstract: Over more than fifty years, information retrieval research has…

    Category: FAQ

  • CS Talk: Kobbi Nissim

    Prof. Kobbi Nissim Weaving privacy and Mechanism Design Abstract: Today’s information regime allows the rapid collection of data from phones, social…

    Category: FAQ

  • CS Talk: Payman Mohassel

    Dr. Payman Mohassel Efficiency/Security Tradeoffs for Secure Two-Party Computation Abstract: The applications we use every day deal with…

    Category: FAQ